Big news! The latest version of Neware BTSDA(update on 2017-10-10) is released with dQ/dV function.
Please upgrade the BTSDA to this version, if you are using Neware BTS4000(or you are using the BTS7.5.4, BTS7.5.5, BTS7.5.6 or BTS7.6.0 software).
dQ/dV Curve:
The voltage of a Li-ion cell is the difference between the positive electrode and the negative electrode potentials as measured versus lithium metal, as shown in the Figure. During charge discharge cycling the positive and negative electrode curves slip relative to one another.
dQ/dV Differential capacity curve:
Differential voltage (dV/dQ) and differential capacity (dQ/dV) analysis can be used to measure the alignment of electrodes within a full Li-ion cell without the use of the a 3-electrode cell. This allows cell degradation mechanisms to be understood.
dQm/dV Differential specific capacity curve: dQ/Active material quality/dV
dQ/dV curve setting: